Challengers Academy

Project Description

Challengers Academy is the fountain head of experience, a confluence of the art of “seeking” and the “science” of doing. Most importantly it is an ethos that your child imbibes to transform his life. Challengers Academy also provides the quality education and excellent guidance to the students in Bhiwandi. Our classes have been mentoring students for success in academics. Library facility where students can equip themselves with comprehensive set of books with wide variety range of books for the reference and additional practice. Teachers are available to solve doubts in the classroom. We also arrange motivational and career guidance lectures by experts on regular basis. There is a A.V. classroom where it will help students to understand about the concepts which is unclear. We do mentor to up bring the base of the education from 8th standard to face the challenges for higher academics.

Project Details

March 5, 2019


Web Design
